Sunday, February 21, 2010


Below are some pictures from Duke's first few days with us. Hope you enjoy.
Picture #1 is "Airplane Papaw", Kim McMorries, introducing Duke to his new world. Being the first family member to hold Duke is one of the perks of being both the grandfather and the Dr. performing the C-Section. His friend, Dr. Tony Haskins, also helped on the C-Section. They both did a fantastic job in treating Karen and watching out for Karen & Duke's best interest.

This is Lauren holding her two new babies. They were delivered the same day as Duke. This picture is about the only moment she has held them because once she met Duke she is absolutely the most caring and protective big sister ever! She has adjusted incredibly well so far to the new family dynamics and is absolutely the best daughter ever.

Proud dad and new baby boy. He is such a great baby!

If you are wondering what Lauren and Duke have been doing since his birth on Feb. 11.....this shows it all. Lauren demands to hold Duke regularly and will hold him for hours at a time. Duke is a great baby boy but somehow gets even better when being held by his favorite sister. He just melts in her arms. They both love each other so much.
We thank God for such healthy and beautiful children and also for our wonderful family and friends.
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Marla said...

I love the pictures! I am printing the one that Lauren is holding Duke. I have never heard of a 3 year old having the patience to hold a baby for that long! She's just awesome! I love the bond that they are creating!

Connie Isler said...

Congratulations! And thank you for the pictures - they're great! What a privilege "Airplane Papaw" has had; what a blessing children and grandchildren are.