You are watching this beautiful baby and she looks at you like, "Hey. How are you doing?"
Then you look away....for any reason.....for a split second, and you hear..........
"LALALALALALALAL...giggle, giggle....LALALALALALALA...giggle, giggle...LALAALALA"
"LALALALALALALAL...giggle, giggle....LALALALALALALA...giggle, giggle...LALAALALA"
So you turn around to see what in the world just happend and you see.......
this beautiful baby and she looks at you like, "Hey. How are you doing?"
Hahaha.... sweet, little, innocent Lauren? Love this post!
My little cutie! She's so smart! I've heard she's using her sign language! It worked so well with Logan because he knew we understood him before he could even talk very well. He is starting to use some of his sign language again now just for fun, so we can talk across the room, and because he notices we're impressed that he remembers it!
Sounds like Lauren is busy anytime she's not being watched! You'll probably have a hard time getting her to show off a new skill to anyone when you ask her - imagine she'll just look at you and smile! On the plus side, you have a wordless way to get her to behave! She seems to be very attentive to her parents. Take full advantage. (This is only a phase.)
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